
up. Just one new kitty, but she was a cutie!

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Also finally – FINALLY – there’s a new cat movie up. This one stars the Bean (of course!). I call it “Mother, why must you torture me so by pointing that goddamn thing at me?” You’ll want to have your volume turned up so you can hear his sweet little voice.
Mister Boogers from Robyn Anderson on Vimeo.
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We got a package in the mail from the wonderful Amy, who sent us some reminders of Tubby (warning – Tubby pictures below!):
I’m going to put this on Fred’s desk. The spud claimed this one for herself. Damn kids! This one’s going up on the wall by my monitor so I can see his goofy little face whenever I want!
Amy rocks, as do you all!
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I mentioned yesterday (I think I mentioned it, anyway) that Fred got a new laptop on Friday. I got a little something too, something I’ve been wanting for a while, and in fact had decided I would start saving for, when Fred decided that if he was going to get a laptop, I should get something, too. (God I love that man!) What did I get? A 17″ LCD monitor! This one, to be exact. And I LOVE it. Strictly speaking, it’s the same screen size as my old monitor, but there’s more viewing room yet the monitor takes up a LOT less space on my desk. Did I mention that I love it, and it rocks?
What did you THINK I was going to do with all that space on my desk? Cat pillow, of course! Miz Poo loves to sleep there, with her head by one of my speakers, and earlier when I was making the Bean movie, she kept staring at the speaker when she heard him meowing. Cute! If you look over in the corner by the smiley-face stuff, behind all the cameras, you’ll see the cool smiley-face cup and vanilla wafter cookie-scented candle Say sent me. I’ve sniffed the candle so often because it smells so good that I think I’ve killed off a few brain cells. Say also rocks.
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I woke this morning at 3:45ish with a full bladder. After laying there for a few minutes hoping it would go away, I decided to get up and stumble to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed, stretching my “bad” (ie, plantar fasciitis-inflicted) foot so that it wouldn’t hurt when I stepped down on it. It suddenly came to my attention that there was a shadow in the doorway that I hadn’t noticed when I sat up, and as I turned my head to the side, I heard “Hey.” Which is when I realized that it was Fred, but my brain was already on the jump-and-scream track and to try to derail it would have meant certain disaster. So I jumped and screamed, slapping my hand to my chest and saying “Oh my GOD, you startled me!”, whereupon, of course, Fred laughed his ass off. Bastard. Oddly, I’ve had a couple of scary someone’s in the house dreams lately, ones that I wake from with my heart pounding and my eyes wide. I always dig an earplug from my ear and listen intently, look at the cats to make sure they’re not freaked out, and eventually fall back into an uneasy sleep. Of course, they don’t freak me out enough so that I attempt to sleep without earplugs, or even load the gun and put it under the pillow next to me, so I guess it can’t be freaking me out too much. I’ve begun sleeping very lightly, without earplugs, and my hand on a loaded gun at all times. Also, I’m a very good shot, even in the dark without my contacts in. Stalkers, beware! I think that Fred just likes to scare the hell out of me. I was sitting in front of my computer yesterday, under the impression that I was alone in the computer room, when his voice suddenly came from directly behind me, making me jump and scream. “I WISH YOU WOULDN’T SNEAK UP ON ME!” I yelled at him. He claimed that he wasn’t TRYING to sneak up on me, that he’s naturally a quiet walker, or something like that. Lies, all lies. Did I mention that he’s a bastard?
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How can this possibly be comfortable? She is Poo, hear her roar. Miz Poo dug herself a nest in the blanket Nance gave me, and spent all day Sunday curled up there. I love this kitty. ]]>