
The Newlyweds, I DVR’d their variety show Sunday night, despite endless mocking from Fred. Last night, while Fred was taking a bath, I sat down to watch it. Oh. My. Eyes. That was the worst fucking imitation of a ’70s variety show I’ve ever seen in my life. The worst part? When Jessica and Jewel were singing Who Will Save Your Soul. Now, I love that song and have loved it since the first time I saw it, but when Jessica started singing, IMITATING JEWEL, WITH JEWEL RIGHT THERE, I cringed. I continued to cringe as the song went on, and then I could stand the pain no longer, and I had to forward through the song. When Nick started singing with KITT (you know, the fucking CAR from Knight Rider), I finally gave up and erased it. Good god almighty, what can they have been thinking? Please PLEASE let there not be a second one!

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Movies rented today: Kill Bill Volume 1, Timeline, and Shattered Glass. I want to see House of Sand and Fog, but all the copies the movie store had were out. Fred actually went out and bought the last Matrix movie when it came out last Tuesday. He was pretty excited to see it and thought I would be, too. He was amazed that I had no interest at ALL in seeing it. “You can watch the first two and not want to see the last one?” he said. “You bet.” It’s not a decision I regret. Especially after he and the spud watched it, and I said “How was it?” “It was really good,” he said. “Mostly because I slept through about half of it.” Heh.
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So, I have an email address that I use only for subscribing to notify lists. I’ve had it for, oh, I don’t know. Six months? Something like that? I use it to receive notify emails and nothing else. I’ve never published it on my site anywhere. I’m currently receiving 150+ spam emails a week at that email address. Luckily the spamcatcher catches the majority of them, but one or two a day make it through that net. If you’ve ever wondered whether yahoogroups or notifylist.com sells your email address, I’d say it’s a pretty safe bet that the answer is yes.
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Hey, it’s open nomination time for the Diarist Awards. If you have a journal, go nominate someone. I suggest Nance and Jane for the “Mother of Doom” awards. Heh.
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“How YOU doin’?”