
* * * I’m having Cat Issues lately. The Bean, whom I love to death, is such a pain in the ass sometimes, especially in the morning when I first come downstairs. I sit down to check my mail, and he hops on my desk to look around. Yesterday he attempted to steal a pen from me and gave me a dirty look when I took it out of his mouth (yes, he was walking around with a pen in his mouth) and put it back in the pen cup. Then he walked over and knocked a couple of things off my shelf, knocked over one of my speakers with his big klutzy back foot, jumped down between the trash can and the wall to investigate, jumped back up onto my desk, tromped across my keyboard, stomping on F11, necessitating a call to Fred (“What the fuck did that bastardly cat step on that made my Internet Explorer go all funny?”), and for his super-special finale he walked across the scanner, which is set atop my CPU, and jumped onto the recliner on the other side. When he jumped, he knocked over the scanner and all the crap atop it. Little bastard.

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Latest Mean Husband Quote: Me: “If I get the Alzheimer’s and end up in a nursing home, will you come visit me every day?” Him: “If I don’t, you won’t remember, anyway!” Me: “Har de har.” Bastard.
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The entries are kind of short lately, huh? That’s just ’cause there’s not really anything going on around these parts. Sorry ’bout that.
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I have that picture of Spot and the Bean that I posted last month as my wallpaper, and every time I see the Bean’s goofy little face, it makes me laugh. Silly Bean.