
* * * Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.

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From my comments yesterday: Robyn, your reading lists amaze me. Can I ask you if you set aside a certain amount of time each day to read? Thanks to you, I’ve found some really good books…. I don’t actually set aside a certain amount of time to read each day. I usually end up – depending on what time I get around to taking a shower, and what else I have planned for the day – sitting in the chair in the corner of my bedroom for a while, between half an hour and sometimes as long as a couple of hours (though that’s rare), and read. Sometimes I read for half an hour or so between 6:30 and 7:00 before our TV shows come on, and if we’re watching a show “real time” instead of something we’ve DVR’d, I read during the commercials. I always, always read before I go to sleep, though. Fred goes to bed around 10 and I read for at least an hour and a half, sometimes two (depending on how close I am to the end of the book and how hard it is to put down) before I turn the light off. And of course, if I have a doctor’s appointment or have to sit in line at the bank, I bring whatever I’m currently reading with me, too. Which always makes me wonder – what the hell do people who don’t read do? Just sit there in the doctor’s office and stare into space like Puddy from Seinfeld, or what? (By the way, I’m glad you’ve found some good books due to my recommendation. 🙂 Also in my comments: Dude, I’ve seen Les Miz like six times (once ON BROADWAY, mofos) and every time I am reminded that you need to, like, read a synopsis before you watch it, because newbies are always hella confused. And I don’t know about you, but I never cry when that Gavroche gets killed. I’m like, thank god, no more cheesy urchin! “We may look easy pickins but we got some bite” my ass. Jane‘s right about the need to read a synopsis, ’cause the show definitely gets confusing. After the show, Fred said “Did you realize that Valjean was carrying Marius through the sewers? Was that clear?” and I said “Yeah, I knew that, because of the way the lights were (the light appeared to be filtered through sewer grates). Oh, and because I knew the story!” No doubt I would have been lost if I didn’t know the story. (I wouldn’t have whispered questions through the entire show, though. Because I’m not an assmonkey.) Also, Gavroche. I like Gavroche for one reason and one reason only. The part where he’s at the barricade and says “Everybody! Everybody, listen!” and it’s quiet and he says “General Lamarque is dead!” and there’s a heavy silence and Enjolras, with a dead serious look on his face, stares into the air and sings “Lamarque is dead…” Cracks me up every single time. That, and Javert singing “A mem’ry stirs…” Both are lines I like to just sing out of nowhere, because it amuses me to do so. Hard to believe that I’d never ever seen a musical before I met Fred, isn’t it? Got a question? Ask in the comments!
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Speaking of Seinfeld, we happened to catch an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm (the Larry David show) a few nights ago, and it was pretty funny. It’s kind of hit or miss with us and that show. Sometimes we find it funny, and sometimes we watch several minutes of it and say “This is stupid. Change the channel.” I don’t really like Larry David, he strikes me as a jackass. Which is funny because I loved George Constanza on Seinfeld (clearly the Larry David character in that show), while Fred and my friend Liz absolutely loathe him. Seinfeld still rocks. I see commercials for it occasionally, and it always makes me laugh. Last night they advertised the show where Jerry tells someone he’s lactose intolerant and she says “Really?” and he says “I have no patience for dairy!” Heh. I wish that show was still on.
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The spud takes a Spanish class, and the teacher decided they would celebrate Cinco de Mayo by each making something hispanic to eat and bringing it in for the class to share. The spud searched desperately for something to make, and finally decided on (with a little help from Fred) making polvorones. Polvorones are Mexican sugar cookies, and they’re pretty easy to make. The spud made a batch last night and had enough for her class and a bunch left over, too. She gave me one (shut up, it was like the size of a QUARTER) and it was FABULOUS. Amazing what mixing together butter, sugar and flour can make, eh? Good thing she had to bring them to school today, though. If I’d had to be alone in the house with all those cookies, it wouldn’t have been pretty…
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So on Dr. Phil tomorrow is going to be the other Dr. Phil Family, Stacey and Chris. Stacey has had multiple affairs (and can I just say what the fuck? Is Dr. Phil ever going to have a Dr. Phil Family where one of the spouses hasn’t been screwing around? ‘Cause I’d kind of like to see that) and during one of her affairs she got pregnant, had the baby, and gave it up for adoption. She’s pregnant again (this time with her husband’s child) because all she has to do to get pregnant is have a man look at her sideways, apparently. ANYway, the commercials for tomorrow’s show are looking pretty good. Because Chris is refusing to take his relationship with Stacey “to the next level” (I assume this means he won’t have sex with her; I missed a few shows, so I can’t be positive), and the commercials have Dr. Phil saying “You’re afraid you’ll have an affair to get back at Stacey, aren’t you?”, and then it shows Stacey saying “He doesn’t have the balls to have an affair.” Okay, girlfriend? Just how fucking stupid ARE you? If that’s not a challenge to Chris, I don’t know what the fuck is. “She doesn’t think I have the balls, I’ll show HER!” Good lord. Dr. Phil has had some seriously good TV going on lately, that’s all I can say.
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Her Majesty is displeased. Probably because Fred was in her face with the camera.