
poor people in Pensacola, Gulf Shores, and Mobile, that’s for sure. I suspect there was some flooding on the road behind our back yard, though, because those fuckers were out there at FIVE TWENTY AM with their big, loud trucks and the constant backing-up. Luckily I was tired enough that I only woke up for a few minutes, long enough to growl “I hate you fuckers!”, check the clock, and snuggle with Miz Poo before falling back asleep.

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I have forbidden Fred to ever darken my doorstop with that piece of crap movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Because it looks like the biggest pile of steaming crap to ever cross my television screen. They haven’t even bothered to make it look halfway interesting – they just say “Oh! Jude Law! Oh! Gwyneth Paltrow! Oh! Angelina Jolie!” and expect people to bust their asses to go watch the fucking thing. I don’t think so.
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Alec Baldwin was on The Daily Show the night before last, and we watched it last night (we tape the show every night and watch it the next evening). After Alec and Jon Stewart had been talking for a few minutes, there was a straight-on shot of the both of them, which is when I realized that Alec Baldwin has himself a HUGE noggin. His noggin gives the Affleck noggin a run for its money. I bet if you got the Affleck noggin and the Baldwin noggin in the same room, the combined noggin acreage would just suck all the oxygen out of the room. How’d you like to wake up in the dark and see the Baldwin noggin coming toward you? I bet your life would flash in front of your eyes. Fred thinks Alec Baldwin looks mean, like he’d punch you as soon as look at you. After some examination, I had to agree. He’s got mean, glittering, tiny little pig eyes located in that huge noggin of his, and I bet if you said something that he took exception to, he’d think nothing of knocking your ass across the room, then crushing you with his huge head. I just hope I never run into him in a dark alley, that’s all I can say.
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.
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Is it just me, or does he look like a bat in this picture?