Thursday, Dec. 16th

* * * When I was standing in line at the post office this morning, a woman from the local Chick-fil-A came in and asked the postal clerk waiting on me about how many employees worked at the post office. The postal clerk wasn’t sure, so the Chick-fil-A lady counted out thirty business-card sized cards, and handed them over. She saw me watching, and gave me one, as well. It was a card for a free Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich. Score! I guess it really does pay to be in the right place at the right time, eh?

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When I got up yesterday morning and came downstairs, there was a box sitting by the front door that had apparently been left in front of the door the night before by the UPS man. On her way out the door to wait for the bus the spud saw it and brought it inside. I thought at first that it was a box I was waiting for from Amazon, but upon closer inspection it didn’t have the Amazon logo on the outside of the box. I opened it, and what did I find?
A yellow box… Filled with yellow M&Ms!
Upon checking out the packing slip, I remembered that awesome reader Katy had emailed me last week and asked if she could have my home address, because she wanted to send me something and couldn’t send it to the PO Box. Since we’d exchanged emails in the past, I was comfortable with letting her have my home address and then promptly forgot that I was keeping my eyes peeled for a package from her. Who rocks more than Katy, huh? That’s right, NO ONE! (Thanks again, Katy!)
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A little splash of Christmas color in our back yard…
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“Dude, I swear to god it was this big. I didn’t think it was going to fit in the litter box!” We call him Fang. Fang McBoogers.
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