February 21, 2005.

Mo!!! (Miz Poo sends kisses to Frankie!)

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Every time I put up a picture with the water bottle full of coins somewhere in the background – like this one – someone (or several someones) want to know when we’re going to take the coins to the bank. The answer, of course, is when it’s full! The long answer is that that change is going to pay for part of our 10th anniversary trip to the Bahamas (in 2008!), so we’re going to keep tossing our change in there until a few months before our trip, when I’ll start rolling the change. Which, I’m sure, will be tons and tons of fun. From my comments: Hey, are your cats on Catster? They sure are: Spanky, Spot, Miz Poo, Mister Boogers, Mr. Fancypants, and Tubby are all on Catster. One more thing.. I have a new mouthguard (similar to your old one in fact.) and ever since I got it I wake up thinking I am eating something. Trying desperately to CHOMP through whatever it is. Sheesh, probably a good thing I have the darn thing or I might not have teeth LEFT. Yours looks odd, no front to it. Thinking the back part must be quite thick.. Yeah, the back part is pretty thick – and the last few mornings I’ve woken up actually chewing on the mouthguard as if I had gum in my mouth. I swear, if I chew through this thing, I’m going to be pretty peeved! Also, I think that the way it’s made – with no front part to it – is so that I could wear it during the day if I wanted to. I don’t grind my teeth during the day, but some people do. I can’t imagine comfortably wearing it during the day, though – it makes me lisp even worse than I already do. My mouth guard looks a lot like your old one–is it the kind you boil? Anyway, the new one looks a lot comfier. Can you breathe through your mouth while it’s in there? (I had a cold a couple of weeks ago & couldn’t wear the mouth guard because I can only breathe through my nose while I’m using it, and what with the cold I couldn’t breathe at all with the mouth guard in. Sucked.) I know what you mean about the gag reflex with them, though–if my stomach is the tiniest bit upset I just can’t fall asleep with mine in my mouth. No, the old one was one I got from my dentist, too – years and years ago. More than 10, I think. They took an impression of my teeth and made the mouthguard, if I recall correctly. I don’t have any problems breathing through my mouth with the mouthguard in, thank goodness, since I’m a total mouth breather! Speaking of dreams! Robyn, I had a dream about you the other night. You invited a bunch of guys over to your house for a slumber party, and you told me that Fred, for SOME reason, was not happy about it. You said you couldn’t understand what the problem was. LOL He just never lets me have any fun, does he? Hmph!
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Pet store kitty pics from this morning are hither.
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“It is RAINING, and I am wearing MY COLLAR, and it’s PISSING me OFF.” “I will BITE at the air! Bite! Bite! Bite!” “I will BITE some more! Bite! And if The Momma doesn’t stop calling me ‘Boogity’, I will bite HER, too!”
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