February 22, 2005.

The Forgotten (which I mailed 2 1/2 weeks ago) hasn’t gotten there yet, and To Wong Foo (which I mailed two weeks ago) hasn’t gotten there yet, either. But Saw, which I mailed on Friday at the post office, got there yesterday. We’ve always had problems mailing stuff from home – more than once I’ve mailed a bill payment (back when I was doing that silly “writing a check to pay a bill” instead of paying electronically) to have it just kind of disappear for a while, causing a late payment, and then show up a month or so later at it’s destination. For a while I stopped mailing anything at all from home, but I got lazy and started mailing stuff from home because it’s just so much more CONVENIENT than getting in the car and driving a few miles down a busy road to mail stuff, but I guess I need to go back to only mailing stuff from the post office. Or asking Fred to mail stuff from the post office on his way home from work. I can tell you this – I’m not terribly fond of my mailman right now.

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So I’ve been a cleaning maniac lately. I finally got around to cleaning the hell out of the library/ dining room last week, and did so much straightening and dusting that I almost didn’t recognize the room. I cleaned out the closet in the kitchen, cleaned the downstairs bathroom (which I do far too infrequently). Yesterday, Fred hooked me up with a wireless network connection, so that we could finally get rid of a wire or two, and then we moved stuff around on top of the filing cabinet, which is where the modem and, uh, other shit are located. He moved everything off the top of the filing cabinet, and I dusted (man, there was a lot of dust), and then I looked down behind the filing cabinet and decided to break out the vacuum cleaner and vacuum behind it. Finally, Fred ended up pulling the filing cabinet out away from the wall so I could get back there with the vacuum. Just so you know, that filing cabinet – and it’s a nice one – was put there the day we moved into this house in August of 2001, and it hasn’t been moved since. As you can imagine, there was a ton of dust and cat hair and crap not only on the floor, but clinging to the wall and the back of the filing cabinet. And under the filing cabinet, where there’s a gap of three inches? Scattered mouse shit. Quite a bit of it, actually. Apparently at some point in the past three years and seven months, we had a mouse living under our filing cabinet. Whether it was one of the mice the cats ended up eventually bringing upstairs to the bedroom, I have no idea. That’s the only place I’ve seen mouse shit so far, but I haven’t pulled my desk out to clean behind it since we moved in, so god only knows what’s living back THERE. I can predict that there’s an awful lot of cat hair, though. That much I do know for sure.
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So, Fred was looking at an old floppy, and he found a movie. Since y’all have been harassing (YES, I said harassing!) me for a new movie of the (ha!) week, I decided to upload it. It’s a movie of Tubby, just sitting on the back of the couch, minding his own business, while I try to get him to let loose with one of his bitchy meows. In fact, at one point I sound like I’m making sheep sounds at him, for some reason. So anyway, there ya go. Click on the “Movie of the week” link over there to the right under “Other”, and please right-click and save it to your hard drive, please. Oh, and by the way that manly-looking hand that reaches out and rubs Tubby at one point belongs to Fred, not me. In case you were wondering.
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Spot practices his Paris Hilton “come-hither” look.
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