
reading: She’s Come Undone, still.

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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are hither.
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From my comments: What is the picture above the washstand? It almost looks like Sacre Coeur in Paris, but I’m not sure. In fact, it is the Sacre Coeur in Paris – here’s a closeup of the picture – my mother and nephew went to Paris last year, and my mother picked up some pictures to give as gifts. I think the mat and frame go really well with the picture, and the picture really warms up the area. Hey, I am going to Gatlinburg this weekend with a friend and my 8 yr. old daughter. Anything you can suggest doing or atleast staying away from? Definitely, definitely check out the strip in Gatlinburg – there are lots of great little shops, and candy stores every three feet. I’d also recommend the Ripley’s Aquarium. The Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum is kind of hokey, but your daughter’s still young enough that she might like it. We like to ride to the top of the Space Needle to see what the town looks like from way up there, and we also like to ride the Sky Lift, which is basically a ski lift to the top of the mountain, where you look at overpriced souvenirs (don’t buy them up there – get them in town) and see what the town looks like from up there. As for shopping, other than the Parkway in Gatlinburg, there are a ton of shops in Pigeon Forge, not to mention a ton of factory outlets. As far as eating goes, I don’t think I’ve had a single unsatisfactory meal in Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge. If you’re staying overnight or showing up early in the morning, you’ve got to eat pancakes. There are pancake houses everywhere you look in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg and they always have lines coming out the door. I haven’t eaten pancakes in Gatlinburg yet, but I think you should, and let me know if they’re worth standing in line for. 🙂 I don’t know if you’re interested in seeing a show or not – we never have, but we always talk about it – but just from what I’ve seen in advertisements, I’d recommend The Comedy Barn, Black Bear Jamboree, or Dixie Stampede. I think all three offer dinner with the show. I hope that helps! Ooers…nice weighted bright yellow melamine plates at Mervyn’s and I thought of you, dahling. What’d you buy, afterall? Nothing yet – but we’re hoping to get something this weekend!
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I told Fred I should get a personalized license plate that says “Eggar” (They don’t let you have apostrophes on license plates, do they?) and he told me I was a dork. Look at that banner up there at the top with Dorky McDorkster in his umbrella hat. WHO’S THE DORK NOW, BUDDY, HUH?
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On Monday, after I fed and scooped at the pet store, I started itching all over. I had intended to try a child’s dose of Benadryl like someone suggested, but we had no Benadryl in the house at all. I stopped by Target to check out their pharmacy section, and decided while I was there to buy the groceries on my list, so I wouldn’t have to make a stop at Publix. Now, when you have an itch that’s not necessarily in a rude place, what do you do? That’s right, you scratch it. Keep that in mind. As I wandered all through Target, I scratched my face. I scratched my neck. I scratched my arms, and scratched my wrist so hard that it bled. Scratch-scratch-scratch. While I was checking out the Benadryl, I thought I’d look and see if there was anything new in the anti-itch ointment section. There was, in fact, something new. That something new was a little spray bottle, made by Benadryl. It said on the outside of the bottle that it relieves itching and pain associated with insect bites and rashes due to poison ivy, oak, and sumac. I was pretty sure that I had none of those problems, but decided to give it a try anyway. I bought it, bought my groceries, and came home. I had just put the groceries away and was going to come into the computer room, when I caught sight of the Benadryl spray. I grabbed it, opened it, and sprayed it on my face, which was still itching pretty badly. It stopped the itching, oh yes it did. Well, I don’t know that it actually “stopped” the itching, now that I think about it. No, I think that a more accurate description would be “covered the annoyance of itching by making your skin feel as though you’re being set on fire.” My GOD did it hurt. When I recovered from the screaming anguish long enough to look at the ingredient list, what did I find? Why, one of the primary ingredients in the spray was alcohol. And I’d been scratching my face all morning long. I’m no doctor, but I understand that applying alcohol to the rawness of a freshly-scratched area REALLY FUCKING HURTS. And now that I’ve done my own experimentation, I can confirm that that is true. I’ll tell you this, though: once the my-god-the-skin-is-burning-off-my-face agony passed, my face didn’t itch even once for the rest of the day. I guess it knows better.
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Some extra kitty pics today, for Val who’s traveling and misses her kitties!
The Boog loves love LOVES to stretch out on the bed in the guest bedroom. The guest bedroom is where Spot and the Boog can be found most days during the day. The Boog, looking cuddlesome. I was trying and trying and trying to get the Boog to yawn. I yawned so much I went lightheaded, but the little bastard would NOT yawn. Across the room, Spanky was watching us. I glanced up and said “How about you, Skitty-Boo? You going to yawn for me?” and he did. Immediately. SUCH a good kitty.