
Amy is walking for the March of Dimes to raise money on premature baby birth research. Won’t you please please please go sponsor her? I KNOW you guys can help get her to her goal. Bitchypoo readers, unite!

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We’re off to Gatlinburg. Yeah, I didn’t mention it before now – it was sort of a last-minute thing. No time to write an entry, so I’ll toss up some pictures that have been hanging out on my hard drive, and call it an entry! We’ll be back Sunday, so entries should resume on Monday. See you then!
Da Boog is pissy. Da Boog is sek-say. Da Boog is thinking about kicking that mouse’s ass. Da Boog is unbearably cute and cuddlesome. Daffodils! We had the ugly plastic edging taken up from around the front flower bed, and this awesome brick edging put down. I love the way it looks. That’s a cedar trunk Miz Poo is sitting next to. Sure looks like she’s trying to look inside it. Good luck to her. This is quite the slimming angle for Miz Poo. She hardly looks portly at all. “How YOU doin’?” (Check out Spot in the background) “Yeah, you.” “Come clooooooser.” Spanky examines his paw. Spot, with Spanky in the background. Spot, up close. Pretty boy. Fred took this cool picture the other day when it was storming. Click here to see the larger version.