
reading: Skipping Towards Gomorrah, by Dan Savage. It’s pretty damn good, so far. Finished reading over the weekend: Tales from the Scale. Not to be crass (since I’ve written part of it), but it’s a mighty good book. A plus! plus! plus! plus! Heh.

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We finally watched Primetime Live’s Fallen Idol on Friday night, and by the end of it I was horrified, angry, and very, very sad. Because that, my friends, is an hour of my life I will NEVER get back again. I think Paula Abdul should be thrown off American Idol for having very, very poor taste. I mean, COME ON, Paula, you have all those cute little hunks, and you pick COREY CLARK? Gah. ARE YOU BLIND?? Do I think Paula Abdul had an affair with him? Yeah, probably. Was she wrong? Of course she was, even if he wasn’t a dead ringer for Sideshow Bob. Do I care? No, no, and HELL NO. At one point during the show, Fred turned to me and said “I wonder if this will help his career or hurt it?” I think it will do neither, because NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT COREY CLARK. ABC will do their best to flog the story for a little while, and then Corey Clark will sink back into obscurity, where he was before he started trying to sell his book full of EXPLOSIVE ALLEGATIONS. And my god, that song he was recording? I rolled my eyes so hard that I almost passed out. “Paulatics”, indeed.
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Hey, remember a few months ago when I whined about the fact that whenever I go to the pet store to feed the kitties and clean their cages, I get really really itchy? And then someone suggested that I try taking a child’s dose of Benadryl before I go to the pet store? And then I bought a bottle of Benadryl and it sat on the counter for a long time? Well, this morning I finally remembered to take it before I left for the pet store, and guess what? It worked! I had some itching, but NOTHING as bad as it’s been. Thank you, whoever recommended the Benadryl! You saved my skin! I bet it would have been especially bad this week if I hadn’t taken the Benadryl, because all the cats were shedding like hell. There was so much cat hair wafting around in the cat room that I could barely see from one end to the other. Ordinarily I would have been standing there scratching like hell, but not today. Yay!
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I have recently started on a stringent vitamin-taking routine, because I’m getting old and I know I don’t get all the vitamins I need from the foods I eat. I’m also taking a hair, skin & nails pill with biotin in it, because the hair atop my noggin is thinning (the doctor suspects it’s due to thyroid issues), and I figure my nails and skin could use all the help it can get. ALSO, I’m taking an essential oil twice a day – Udo’s Choice, to be exact – because when I’m eating the way I should, I don’t get nearly enough essential oils in my diet. So this weekend, after my shower, I put on some Lemon Meringue perfume I got at Bath & Body Works last Fall. About midday, I realized that the smell had changed from Lemon Meringue to something that smelled exactly like White Musk. My question to you, my smartypants readers, is this: is my new vitamin-taking regimen somehow altering the way my body reacts with perfume? I’ve been occasionally using the Lemon Meringue perfume for months now, and this is the first time I’ve noticed it smelling like White Musk. Which is not one of my favorite smells, in case you were wondering. Got an opinion on the topic? Leave it in the comments. Thanks!
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So, apparently Jennifer Garner is pregnant. When I heard that, I thought “Boy, that’s a shot to the heart of La Lopez, ain’t it?” I mean, it’s no secret Jennifer Lopez wants kids, and to hear that Ben’s new woman is pregnant already has to sting a little bit. Whenever a celebrity couple breaks up and the new girlfriend gets pregnant, I always wonder what the old girlfriend’s reaction is. Are they thinking “Better her than me”, or “That asshole!”, or crying and eating a gallon of Ben and Jerry’s or what? When Julia Roberts and Benjamin Bratt broke up, I believe it was about ten seconds later that Talisa Soto got pregnant. I immediately wondered what Julia Roberts thought of THAT. I also wondered if Benjamin Bratt was all “In your FACE! I don’t need YOU to have kids with me, I’ve got someone ELSE to get pregnant. Ha!” Yes, perhaps I DO spend too much time thinking about the lives of celebrities. (You bet your ass I already have the DVR set to record Chaotic.)
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Anyone have any idea what’s going on with Eyes? It was pre-empted last Wednesday by the Primetime Live Corey Clark snoozapalooza, and it doesn’t appear that it’s going to be on this week, either. I haven’t been able to find anything anywhere that says it’s been cancelled, so maybe they’re going to wait until after May sweeps to finish airing the season? I need my Tim Daly fix, damnit!
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Yesterday was so sunny and warm that most of the cats spent a good part of the afternoon lolling about in the sun, watching the birds.
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