
Portland Oregon” was the song I was referring to. I’m not a Jack White fan ordinarily – or rather, I guess I should say I’m not a White Stripes fan (yes, I know, BLASPHEMY), but I like his work on that song.) There’s a rumor that she’s pregnant. (Renee Zellweger, I mean. Not Loretta Lynn.) Of course, whenever any celebrity female gets married, there’s a rumor that she’s pregnant. If she is, though, that’s going to be one seriously round-faced squinchy-eyed baby.

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For the first time in months, there’s a new “movie of the week.” I call this one “Phantom of the Boogra.”
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Since there’s just nothing going on ’round here today and I have ten thousand pictures taking up space on my memory stick, I’m going to toss them up here (most of them are of the Booger, because he’s just so damn photogenic) and call it an entry. If you hate cat pictures, you have my permission to skip the rest of this entry, and I’ll see you tomorrow. We call him… FANG! “Oh, that “Yes, Dear” just cracks me UP.” Da Boog loves hanging out in (or out OF) the basket. The fashionable Boog likes to sport a shiny red ball upon his noggin. Oh, how he lurrrrrves his daddy. Rolling around in the sun, trying to figure out how to make trouble… Boog in action (he’s jumping on Miz Poo, if you can’t tell). Miz Poo kicked his ass, so he backed off. Da Boog in da box. Much as she pretends to hate him, Miz Poo can often be found within paw’s reach of that Booger. Lick. Lick. Lick. See something on the floor? Lay on it! Pissy Boog. Lick. Lick. Lick. It’s a rough life for a Boog. Cute ‘n cuddlesome. Happy Boog. Apparently the box needs a smackdown. Poo in the sun. Sunshiiiiine on the Poo-piiiiiiiie makes her happyyyyyy… Full of grass, but not ready to barf yet. When it’s time to barf, she’ll go inside and do it on the carpet, of course.]]>