
* * * This was an actual printer jam at John Deere Seeding ! “Come and fix the printer jam please ?” He’s not dead but he’s sure stuck. We did end up getting him out and letting him loose for those of you that are mouse lovers. You think you are having a bad day! (Thanks to reader Penny for the forward!)

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My sister sent me some pictures of her cats. This is her new cat, Punki. Is she cute, or what? I can’t wait to meet her in person in a few weeks! Punki needs more toys, don’t you think? Tigger. Are all orange cats this happy, or are Sugarbutt, Tigger, and Spanky the exceptions?
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Hey, remember Gizmo from two years ago? Well, my brother recently sent me some pictures of her. She was being a pain and wouldn’t look at the camera long enough for him to take a straight-on picture, but you can see enough to see how gorgeous she’s gotten. Doesn’t she look really, really soft?
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Currently reading: Otherwise Engaged, by Eileen Goudge. Finished last night: Lost Boys, by Orson Scott Card. What a very, very strange book and a very strange ending. I didn’t hate the ending, but it took me way too long to understand what the hell was going on – someone else might have caught on right away – but I did cry like the big baby I am at the end. I’d recommend it, but I’ll say that it’s not what you’d expect it to be from reading the back. I’ve never read Orson Scott Card before – are all his books that strange?
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Previously 2004: (I never claimed not to be a dumbass) 2003: I would be ever so grateful if you would restrain yourself. 2002: No entry. 2001: I knew y’all were a hip and happenin’ bunch of readers! 2000: Stuff I’ve bought. 1999: And it tasted excellent, of course, which made the eggfart stenchiness more than worth it.]]>