
the logo at the top. (This is what the previous one looked like) This was also created by the wonderful Gertie, who rocks.

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We watched The Amazing Race last night, and my GOODNESS, what was UP with Phil’s pants? We were eagerly awaiting Phil on the golf course because a reader had emailed me and told me to keep an eye out, and we CERTAINLY got an eyeful. Someone either needs to break the news to Phil (“Phil, we see you’re a show-er rather than a grower and also that you dress to the right”) or he needs a wardrobe advisor or perhaps maybe they just need to shoot him from the waist up. Because that thing is VERY distracting, and not necessarily in a good way. Maybe Phil wears pants like that on purpose just to see what the internet will say. We also watched Nip/ Tuck last night, and lordy. That ending was worth the whole show! That’s all I’ll say about that.
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I would say it’s definite that I’m currently in the throes of PMS. This morning I turned the TV on to VH-1 while I did my morning stuff (making the bed, putting in my contacts, getting dressed, all that good stuff) and before I knew it I was sobbing like a great big baby. Over an Eminem video. Someone kill me.
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This would be the pile of Christmas presents sitting in the library, waiting patiently for me to cram them in boxes and send them off to various and sundry places around the country.
Not only have I not sent out boxes yet, I don’t even intend to do so until the Monday before Christmas. Because I just don’t feel like DEALING with it until then. And I’m sure once I start getting the boxes together, I’ll realize that I’ve forgotten to get something really important. On the up side, I’ve finally started on the Christmas cards. And why is it that I’ve got 150 fewer people who want Christmas cards this year than did last year? Why is that? Have y’all stopped loving me?
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I had occasion to call Blue Cross again yesterday. I think I’ve called them three times since they implemented their voice recognition system, and I’m starting to get the hang of it. The most annoying thing is that the voice speaks sooooo slowwwwly, that I get all annoyed and want to tell the bitch to stop talking down to me. When I said “Customer Service” so I could get a live person on the phone, there was this very long pause, and I thought for a moment she was going to say “No, I don’t think so. You can deal with ME, and if you don’t like it, you can stick it.” But instead, she said “Okay, let me get someone on the line to help us.” “Us”? Who’s this “us” kemosabe? As far as I know, once the live Customer Service rep gets on the line, Voice Recognition Chick goes away. Maybe I’m wrong; maybe Voice Recognition Chick stays on the line, then tells the Customer Service everything he or she did wrong. I wonder if Voice Recognition Chick has ever made anyone cry?
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I suppose I need to get my ass in gear and put the Christmas tree and decorations up, don’t I? I think I’ll do it this weekend, that way everything’ll be up for a good two weeks before I have to pack everything away again and leave for Maine. Don’t I sound like I’m totally in the Christmas spirit?
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Sugarbutt is finding his voice, and his voice is a little squeak that he makes when something interests or confuses him. It sounds like someone’s walking around gently squeezing a little squeak toy. Now that I think about it, Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen are the quietest cats we have. Well, except for snack time when Tom Cullen howls his fool head off, that is. I need to remember to make a movie of that.
Tom Cullen makes the funniest faces, doesn’t he? Fred reading (does the blanket look familiar, Nance?), and Sugarbutt making himself at home. Sugarbutt, up close. Is that a happy cat, or what? “Bob! BOB! Damnit, BOB! Listen to me! Come in here! They’ve got the fire going, grab me a snort of catnip and let’s get cozy!”
(For the person who asked what the “Bob” thing was about, well, I started using the generic “Bob!” in kitty captions, and a couple of people took a liking to it, which means that now I must beat it into the ground because that’s just the kind of gal I am. You know those kids who say something funny and their parents laugh, so then they say it again immediately, like 100 times in a row, expecting a great big laugh every time? Yeah, that’s what my inner child is like.)
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Previously 2004: I suppose I need to actually start buying lottery tickets to make these dreams come true. 2003: And also because you Canadians are so cool that I want to canoodle with each and every one of you. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: God bless the internet and online merchants, god bless their little black hearts. 1999: More Christmas talk.]]>