

Y’all who seriously think I’m going to go out and build a “pet” for the snowman are DUH. REE. MING. You know what the high temperature was today? Like, 10. Farenheit. The HIGH, let me repeat. Homie don’t do playing in the snow, and homie don’t do playing in the snow ESPECIALLY when the temperature is horrifyingly, bitterly cold. Besides, the snowman is covered in three inches of snow already, so he doesn’t care about having a damn pet.


Good lord, what a long, long day. We left the house a few minutes after 7:00, picked up Debbie, stopped so she could get something for breakfast, and then hit the road. Four and a half hours later, we reached our destination: the Emerald Square Mall in North Attleboro, Massachusetts. And more importantly: 03DSC05035 The spud! The spud met us at the mall, and I hugged her for about fifteen minutes before I let her go (or maybe I just hugged her ’til she squirmed loose, one or the other). We got right down to business, considering the cold-ass weather (JESUS it was cold) – buying her a winter coat. I’d told her a few months ago that I’d get her a winter coat for Christmas, and then when I decided to fly to Rhode Island last week, I told her we’d go shopping for the coat when I was there, and since the flying-into-Rhode-Island part didn’t work, we ended up waiting ’til today. Did I mention the unholy frigid coldness of the weather? Since we were in JC Penney when we met up, we decided to look and see what they had, and she tried on three or four different coats, and then settled on one she liked a lot. 03DSC05053 (flickr) We walked around the mall for a while, and saw a nekkid mannequin, and are juvenile, so had to snap pictures: 03DSC05048 (flickr) and I was a bit startled to see that mall security roams about on their very own Segways: 03DSC05041 (flickr) By the time we’d roamed around the big-ass mall (it has three levels!), we were beyond hungry, so we went to Bertucci’s, the only sit-down restaurant in the mall. 03DSC05045 The spud and my mother.(flickr) Lunch was fabulous, and after we’d eaten lunch (and shared dessert), it was time for more mall-wandering. We hit all three levels and bought a few things, and by the time we’d done that, it was 3:00 and we were done with the mall. Debbie is a teeny bit obsessed with the show Ghost Hunters, and it appears that they are based out of Warwick, Rhode Island, and since we were about half an hour away from Warwick, it would have been a shame not to make the trip to see the building and do a little stalking. Unfortunately, when we got to the address she had, either TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) has moved, or they’ve taken down their sign. We circled around by it a second time, and then I told her to park and we could walk down to the address she had and do some investigating of our own, but she wasn’t up for that. I kind of wish now that I had insisted – it was kind of a shame to go that far and not make the extra effort, given how excited she was at the idea of seeing the building and possibly some of the people from the show. 03DSC05055 I snapped this picture to show the high outside temp of the day, but the fact that a 60-something, an almost-40 year-old and a 37 year-old were listening to 50 Cent on the radio is too amusing to pass up, blurry picture or no. (flickr) We drove back from Warwick to the mall to drop Danielle off at her car. I gave her a good long hug, kissed her, told her I loved her, and let her go on her way. It was really damn good to see her. Hopefully I’ll be able to spend more time with her this summer! 03DSC05038 (flickr)


We used my father’s GPS to get to all our destinations (and Debbie did all the driving, poor thing!) and JESUS CHRIST that GPS lady is one pushy bitch. You miss one little turn, she has a fucking coronary. She tried to make us drive up 93 through Boston during rush hour, and when Debbie opted for 95 instead she had a fit. Later, when we exited 95 to find a place to pee and get a drink, she had a conniption, all “Turn left! Do a u-turn! Turn left and then right! Turn around! GODDAMN YOUR SOUL STRAIGHT TO HELL TURN AROUND I SAID!” She came in handy, but damn. Take a deep breath, control freak!


Previously 2007: Good ol’ Jerry Ford. Remember when he… pardoned Nixon? Yep, them were the days. 2006: No entry. 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: My God, I love Sam’s, have I mentioned? 2002: Why, that’s almost as exciting as the fact that my birthday’s in less than a week! 2001: Fred, being the man, is legally required to deal with all car-related crap and I, being the woman, am legally required to bitch at him until he does so. 2000: So we apparently had a 2.8 earthquake today about which I knew nothing. ]]>