
I think this is just about the neatest idea ever. It might be a little beyond my sewing skills right now, but I’m going to start saving bags and working on my sewing skills, and one day I’m going to make me a cool reusable bag like that! & & & & & & & … Continue reading “1-14-09”

I think this is just about the neatest idea ever. It might be a little beyond my sewing skills right now, but I’m going to start saving bags and working on my sewing skills, and one day I’m going to make me a cool reusable bag like that!

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George and Gracie are home from the spaying and the neutering. Everything went well, except that George has demodicosis. I could explain what it is, but if you’re that interested, go read about it yourself over here, ’cause I have not the patience to explain it.

The treatment is a daily oral dose of Ivermectin, which is the medication we have to give them for heartworm, conveniently enough, so treating it shouldn’t be too big a problem (I nominated Fred to be the party responsible for treating George every day). He could grow out of it, it could come and go throughout his lifetime, it’s a wait-and-see sort of thing.

We need to re-weigh him regularly to be sure he’s getting the proper dosage.

As we were driving home from the vet – we took the dogs to the vet I take Miz Poo to, a vet’s office that is a 25-minute drive from home – I said “Now do you understand why I like Dr. Wendy so much?”

Fred said “Yeah, she seems pretty laid-back about the fact that they’re farm dogs and thus won’t be pampered. I like that she took her time to explain all the possible treatments.”

“I like her because you can tell that she genuinely likes animals, she’s not just phoning it in like (male vet we’ve used in the past) or (other male vet we’ve used in the past).”

I just wish she was a little closer, because while I’m willing to make that 25-minute drive for the problem pets (Miz Poo, mostly), it’s still easier to take the rest of the cats to the vet who lives five minutes up the road.

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These past few days, Claudette has been really coming out of her shell. I wish I’d had the camera in the living room with me last night. Claudette wandered in as we were watching TV, and let Fred coax her up onto the couch with him. He petted her for a few minutes, ’til she reached her petting threshhold and started kicking and biting his hand. Then she spotted Tommy in the cat bed on the end of the couch and she flirted with him for a few minutes before she climbed right into the bed with him. He groomed her and she groomed him back, and then she kicked and bit at him a little bit. She settled down for a few minutes and he was hugging her like she was a teddy bear, and I just about died from the cute.

Remember when she was like this all the time and we thought we’d never get her to come to us for petting?

2008-10-11 (4)

She still runs if you walk toward her, and she doesn’t like to be picked up at ALL, but when it’s on her terms, she loves to be petted, and she’ll even climb on you and snuggle up. She’s such a sweet thing.

2009-01-14 (5)
Sun bath.

More pics over at Love & Hisses.

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Spanky considers putting the smack down on me for getting all up in his face with the camera, but ultimately decides against it.

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2008: Negative. Good news or sad news, I wonder?
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Y’all rock.
2004: So many books, so little time.
2003: Ah, good times.
2002: So, you know what I hate?
2001: No entry.
2000: I was a tad peeved.