
The spud actually didn’t go home yesterday as she was supposed to. She woke up sick and proceeded to throw up for the next hour or so. She slept for a while, vomited some more, then called and changed her flight to today, and spent the rest of yesterday sleeping. In fact, I heard not … Continue reading “1-15-09”

The spud actually didn’t go home yesterday as she was supposed to. She woke up sick and proceeded to throw up for the next hour or so. She slept for a while, vomited some more, then called and changed her flight to today, and spent the rest of yesterday sleeping. In fact, I heard not a peep from her for several hours and had to peek in on her to make sure she was still breathing (she was, obv).

In the evening she got up and ate soup and was pretty perky. She told me when I said goodnight to her that she felt much better.

So we’ll be leaving here in an hour and a half or so, and the spud will be headed home.

It sure was nice having her here!

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So, here’s the story of the cookies, because I am fully aware that you are DYING to know the story of the cookies.

I know I wrote last month that I made a batch of Sundry’s Chocolate Chip cookies, and they came out more cakey than cookie-y. Fred loved and adored them. I made a second batch, and they came out the same way.

I – and y’all – had all kinds of theories as to what might be going on, whether it was the flour or the baking soda or the butter. My own personal theory was that it was the eggs. Back in the Fall, I froze eggs to use over the winter, because chickens tend not to lay as many eggs in the winter due to the shorter days and that’s when they tend to molt (when they’re molting, egg-laying tends to cease). When I made the cookies last month, I thawed out a couple of frozen eggs to use in the cookies.

The second batch of cookies I made, I used frozen and thawed eggs again, and again they came out cake-like and Fred LOVED them.

The third batch of cookies I made, I used the frozen and thawed eggs, and I added a cup of peanut butter to them. Fred likes peanut butter cookies, and he thought that peanut butter added to this recipe would be fantastic. So I added a cup of peanut butter to the cookies, fully expecting that they’d be flatter and more cookie-like, due to the added fat in the peanut butter.

Cake-like again.

Another batch of cookies, again with the frozen and thawed eggs, again with the cup of peanut butter, this time with chopped mini Snickers bars added. Fred pronounced them “not bad” at first, but as time went on he change that to “really good.” And again, they had the cake-like texture.

(By the way, all these cookies? We’re not eating them all ourselves- in fact, I’m not eating them at all, really, ’cause I don’t love them the way Fred does. Brian helped eat a bunch of the peanut-butter ones I made around Christmas, and a lot of them have been tossed into bags in the freezer to feed the pigs we’re planning on getting next month.)

Finally, yesterday I decided it was time to really test my frozen-eggs theory. I made a batch of the cookies, following Sundry’s recipe exactly, only this time I used never-frozen eggs.

Weirdly, the texture is completely different. They’re more cookie-like. Fred said they were good – I agree with that – but he prefers the ones made with the frozen eggs.

I think I can reasonably conclude that frozen and thawed eggs in a cookie recipe result in cake-like cookies. Now y’all go give it a try and report back!

(Actually, my next step will be to use the frozen-and-thawed eggs in another recipe altogether, and next (probably in a few weeks) I will try these chocolate chip cookies and see if the frozen-and-thawed eggs = cake-like cookies theory holds up!)

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Here’s a dumb question for y’all: can you play games meant for a Nintendo DS on a Nintendo DS Lite or do the games have to be specifically FOR the Nintendo DS Lite?

Do you have a Nintendo DS Lite? Do you love it? And what games do you play on it? Tell me, I wanna know.

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2008: (Confused silence from Fred.)
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Does it wuv it’s daddy? Why, yes. Yes, it does.
2003: No entry.
2001: I made one quietly to myself, and personal resolution I guess you’d call it, and it was a rather vague one. This resolution went as follows: “This year I will do something that scares me.”
2000: I’m a spoiled rotten brat, that’s what I am.