
* * * May I just say that I was disappointed that no one on American Idol sang “Xanadu” last night? Hmph. Clay and Ruben kicked ass, and so did Trenyce. I thought the blond Kimberly did a pretty good job – even though I don’t really care for her – but she’d probably have been better off doing a song where the backup singers did so much of the song. I guess I’ll be taping American Idol tonight, though, since it’s on against Survivor. Did they have to do that? Couldn’t they have put Survivor on at 8 instead of 7? Bastards. Oh, wait. I’ll be watching The Bachelor: Where Are They Now? at 8, anyway.

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So, it’s – have I ever mentioned this? – always something. ALWAYS something, and can I just say that this month has been incredibly crappy? I told Fred last night that I was afraid to go on vacation because the hotel would probably fall into the ocean in the middle of the night. Last night, Miz Poo was licking at her incision, and I mentioned to Fred that where she was licking was starting to get rather red. We started watching The Shield, and Fred got up to get a drink. As he passed by Miz Poo, he lifted her up a little to look at her belly, and I saw something shiny and liquidy where she’d been licking. I told Fred to lift her up, despite his protests that the liquid I’d seen was just from her licking, and when he did, we saw a little hole in her belly – toward the end of the incision – along with what looked like pus to me. I got a paper towel and dabbed at the fluid. It was a little red, but most a yellow-clearish color. Naturally, I sat and worried for the rest of The Shield (though I wasn’t too distracted to enjoy Mackey calling that civilian auditor a santimonious bitch. Go, Mackey!). I was so worried that Fred even asked if I wanted to take her to the animal emergency clinic in Huntsville, bless his heart. I said no, because she was acting okay, didn’t seem to be in any real pain, and chirped happily when I reached over to pet her. We went to bed once The Shield was over, and talked about her some more, worrying, and talking about what a crappy month this has been. Before Fred went off to his room, we looked for Miz Poo – whom we’d brought upstairs with us so that Fred could give her her medicine – and I found her downstairs sitting on the back of the couch. That actually made me feel a little better, since getting on the back of the couch requires some effort. In the middle of the night, I woke to find her climbing on top of me, and she stayed there for some time before climbing down and settling on the bed next to me. This morning, Fred called the vet’s office and discovered that the vet wouldn’t be in today. The lady who answered the phone told Fred that if the vet did plan to stop by the office, she’d call so we could bring Miz Poo in to see him. But she didn’t sound concerned at all – a good sign that this is the sort of thing that usually happens after surgery, I guess. Later, she called to tell Fred that they’d planned to have Miz Poo come in on Friday to have her staples out, and I could just drop her off first thing in the morning. I’m still worried about Miz Poo, of course, but I’m not as worried as I was. I think. Argh. Always something, you know?
* * *
So Fred called me from work around 7:20 this morning (to tell me what the lady at the vet’s office had said), and after I hung up the phone and rolled over to go back to sleep, I noted that it seemed rather bright out. Since we haven’t seen any sun in a while, I hoped that meant we’d have a sunny day. An hour later, the phone rang again, waking me up. I noticed, as I rolled over to grab the phone, that it had gotten a lot darker out. And then I answered the phone. “Turn on the TV!” Fred said. “There’s bad weather out your way, and the tornado sirens are going off. Tell me what’s going on!” I opened the blinds, and saw a wall of dark clouds, moving fast. I turned on the TV and switched channels around until I found a special weather report. Two minutes later, sheets of rain began pouring down from the sky. I watched the weather report for a few more minutes, Fred listening in, and then – at Fred’s suggestion – went downstairs to watch it down there, so I’d be closest to the safest (unwindowed) room in the house, the bathroom. There were reports of tornadoes touching down in various places, but it all bypassed us, thank god. Because having the house ripped down around me? That would have been the perfect end to the month. And we’re only a little more than halfway through it! Have I ever mentioned that it’s always something?
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Two months with the new email address, and I’ve started getting p0rn email. Argh!]]>