
* * * After a crappy beginning to the day yesterday, the sky cleared and it was bright and sunny and warm for most of the day. Today, it’s sunny and warm again, with the high expected to get somewhere close to 80. And best of all? Finally, FINALLY, several of them bloomed. How can you not love daffodils? How, Chris, how? Ah well, to each her own, I s’pose. As long as you don’t go crazy and decide you no longer love The Vince, I’ll be happy. After I got that picture above, I turned around to see Fancypants sitting in the doorway watching me. I took his picture, but didn’t realize until just now that he’d been in the process of yawning. Kinda looks like he’s screaming, doesn’t he?

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Pet store kitties for today are hither.
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Have you ever looked forward to reading a book, thinking it will be pretty good, and once you’ve started reading it you don’t love it nearly like you thought you would? I’ve been looking forward to reading And My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You, by Kathi Kamen Goldmark for a while now, mostly because I know she’s with the Rock Bottom Remainders, and I like most of the authors involved with the group, with few exceptions. Plus, there are positive reviews by a lot of authors on the back of her book. And the plot – Sarah Jean Pixlie, a Bay Area country singer who stumbles into stardom – sounds like it’s right up my alley. But I’ve been reading it for the past two days, and I’m not enjoying it terribly much. I’ll finish it, because I want to know what happens, but unless it gets a lot better soon I’ll be rating it with an “eh” on the reading list.
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I hit Target this morning for the first time in a long time. I needed kitty litter and stuff to clean the shower and bathtub, and Target’s the best place to get that stuff. While I was wandering around, I noticed that the Diet Coke was on sale, $2 for a 12-pack, so I bought 5 (they limit you to 5). So we’re stocked up on Diet Coke for the time being, considering that Publix has 6-packs on sale for 89 cents each. Publix limits you to 4 6-packs at a time, so every time I’ve driven past Publix the last few days I’ve been stopping and buying 4 6-packs. Although the 12-packs at Target are a bit more expensive than the 6-packs at Publix, they’re also in refrigerator containers, which are more convenient than 6-packs and their plastic rings. I have no idea where I was going with this topic. I apparently just felt it important that you know I’m all stocked up on Diet Coke. You can rest easy now. I’m off to finish the spud’s laundry (so she’ll have clean clothes to take on vacation with her) and do some other fun stuff. Y’all have a good one!]]>